
The future is

Whether physical or digital, we’ll help you develop a sixth sense to maximise your retail opportunity.

Our clients include premium, heritage and niche retailers, from visitor attractions to the High Street.

With our help…

  • Your profitability will increase

  • You will spend money better, increasing your ROI

  • You will maximise the benefits of both physical and digital in the most efficient way

  • A sustainable supply chain comes as standard because we know it is vital for you, your customers, and our planet

  • Your refocused mission means your customers will enjoy a joined-up and blended brand experience

  • Your team will own, deliver, and further enhance your customer experience.

The importance of ambience

Your shop is your event space - an activation or extension of your brand experience. Every journey that a customer takes through your store, both on and offline, should immerse them in your values and heritage, and leave them wanting more. This is what makes Stephen Spencer + Associates different: we work with you to trigger human emotion at every level, because when people love your brand as much as you do, they become engaged followers and loyal customers.

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A study by Rockefeller University in New York suggested that customers remember 1% of what we touch, 2% of what we hear, 5% of what we see, 15% of what we taste and 35% of what we smell. In our view there’s a sixth sense: the feeling customers get when the whole experience delivers the brand promise.


We’re always exploring, learning and writing about the future of retail customer experiences and purposeful business journeys. Sign up here to receive our latest insights.